German Gifts for Kindergarten
Our lucky students have the wonderful opportunity to study German!
Two of our students recently wrote:
“Guten Morgen. Ich heiße Lily und das ist Mason.
In Year 8, LOTE students learn about the language and culture of Germany. Last year’s classes spent the last few lessons of the year creating traditional first-day-of-school gifts, called Schultüten.
Schultüten are created using cardboard and glue, and are shaped into a cone. Following this, the cones are decorated to make them bright and fun. Inside the Schultüten are stationery, lollies and notes of encouragement.
Last week, our Stage 5 German class gathered up all of the completed Schultüten and presented them to our 2023 Kindergarten students as a welcome to Macquarie. The Kindergarten students were thoroughly excited by the process. It was a really lovely way for us to connect to the Junior School through our German studies.
Vielen Dank.”