Our Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten cohorts were so excited to attend the annual Dubbo Show. Our students enjoyed their time visiting the petting zo…
Congratulations to our two Macquarie teams that competed at the Rugby Sevens Gala Day at St Stanislaus' College in Bathurst.Our girls displayed M…
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) learning is encouraged in our Pre-Kindergarten as students develop skills to support critical…
In Science, Stage 1 students engaged in a practical investigation to make ice cream in a bag!Students identified the natural resources used and learne…
Congratulations to our Livestock Show Team on a very successful day at the Warren Show.Our students and cattle competed in numerous sections with wond…
Our Stage 5 Food Technology class took to the kitchen for the first time in 2024 to create some marvellous Moroccan chicken and roast vegetable salads…
Our students had a wonderful time during Book Week as they participated in a range of classroom and school events to celebrate reading and books.This…
A team of 20 Macquarie Year 10 students travelled to Orange to compete in the University of Newcastle’s Science and Engineering Challenge in Term 1.Sp…
During the holidays, the Livestock Show Team attended the Australian Shorthorn Youth Expo.Our enthusiastic Macquarie students worked with shorthorns f…