Year 7 Commences 2023
A big congratulations to our Year 7 students who completed their first week of Senior School this week!
Starting high school can be an exciting but also nerve-wracking experience for Year 7 students. The transition from primary school to secondary school can bring new challenges, responsibilities and opportunities. Here is a look at what Year 7 students experienced during their first week of high school.
Day one had the students join the rest of the Senior School in the Hall for their first muster led by our Headmaster Mr Craig Mansour and Deputy Head Mrs Alison Mitchell. From here, students spent the morning setting up their BYOD electronic devices in preparation for the various subjects they will engage in throughout the term.
After getting the chance to meet their teachers and learn about their subjects, day two had students experience a fun-filled day at the Swimming Carnival where both competitors and supporters displayed immense House spirit, by cheering on their peers racing, and jumping in the pool for the inaugural Lizard Race.
This was a great time for students to foster relationships with people they already knew, and form new friendships with students new to Macquarie. As students get used to their schedule and the organisation required for Year 7, we hope they will make the most of the opportunities they have to engage in Co-curricular activities such as sport, music, debating and various other clubs.